Tuesday 30 December 2008

A Christmas Cameltoe

Sorry sorry sorry. I am officially the worst blogger in the world. I could make excuses, but I won't. I'll just make the effort to deliver a really amusing post. This may be difficult as I'm currently watching some vintage Strictly Come Dancing on the TV channel formerly known as UKTV Gold. Apologies therefore if the word 'spangle' randomly appears.

OMG. Aled Jones is about to dance to 'Walking in the air'....

Hahahaha - there's a fat treble....singing to a samba beat.....hahahahaha....talk about a rabbit in the headlights.

Sorry. So here are some Camelford Christmas highlights:

1. Special lighting. Nick has a theory that Homebase is selling an 'exterior weather proof home lighting kit' as SO many people in the area have bedecked their halls with boughs of God knows what. It's a miracle I haven't crashed.

2. My Christmas pudding which I so lovingly made on my first weekend here. I am officially a great cook. Setting the holly sprig on fire perhaps wasn't a highlight but is worth a mention for entertainment value.

3. My Beef Wellington. Who the hell needs turkey? I am a bloody great cook.

4. Clotted cream on everything, particularly mince pies.

5. the Christmas sales in Truro. These actually are not worth a mention as they were crap. However, if you are a size 8 or a size 18, get down to the shops now. There are bargains to be had.

6.Wondering why the hell Truro City Centre smells of cow. Then working out that it's actually my car that smells of cow and in fact probably needs a wash.

7. Making plans to get a (very small) dog!

8. Getting jumped on by a mahoosive dog, which, let's face it was probably a horse. Truly terrifying - why on earth would anyone want a pet like that?

9. Riding a gorgeous horse (called Lollypop) for the first time in 5 years and not forgetting everything I had ever learned. It was even worth the slight embarassment of Lollypop zooming off to the other side of the school to play with one of her friends, who at the time was trying to have a lesson of their own. Also worth the immense pain. My God, I felt like I'd been raped by an elephant.

10. Mouse management. After a terrifying night raid on our food stores, I am delighted to be marrying a man who is a whiz with a stapler and a piece of metal gauze.

And to finish, a CLASSIC (possibly my favourite of the year) quote from our vicar. At the funeral of our darling organist, Buffy, he said:

"Nothing makes me sadder, than the sight of Nick Danks sitting at the organ bench".

Charming. But we knew what he meant.


Neatynoo said...

Happy New Year!
I've just started reading your blog and I have LOADS to catch up on! I hope the marathon training goes well....very impressive!
I'll have to come back here again because what I've read is very funny!
Noo x

Britney goes west said...

Awww thanks Noo! Keep reading for more cameltoe craziness...xxx

Rowena said...

I can't believe that Buffy the Organ Slayer is no more! And I love the comment. Must have been hard not to smile.
About the gauze and stapler - did he protect the food or build a Guantanamo for the mice?