Tuesday 2 December 2008


Before I launch into today's topic 'du jour', I would like to say thank you to everyone who has been so kind about my blog and has told me how much they enjoy reading it. I did say in the first post that I was purely doing this for my own enjoyment and that it wouldn't matter if anyone else read it. Well, honestly, knowing that people are reading and enjoying makes me want to login and write. Much more so than my own motivation. So thank peeps and keep reading.

So I just wanted to make a couple of points about exercise. I love to exercise. Ok..that is slight bollocks. I love to eat. Which means if I don't want to turn into a jabba, I need to exercise. And it helps to enjoy it.

Living in London was logistically easier than living in Cornwall when it comes to fitting in my exercise. A 20 minute walk to work and very few long journeys to exciting, far flung places (Ealing was about as far as I went - though having said that, it is generally quicker to get to Exeter from Cameltoe than it ever did from Central London to Ealing) meant that an exercise routine was easy to incorporate into everyday life.

Other factors make it difficult too. For example, I made an exploratory trip to Camelford pool only to find that there are 4 lane swimming sessions each WEEK! The rest of the time is taken up by kiddies classes, school parties and clubs. Imagine that at the Oasis? Where would those lovely gents in their speedos exert all that pent up energy with only limited opportunities for lane rage? No suggestions in the comments section please - we are all thinking it. No one needs to say it.

Something making it easier is my colleague Julie. Julie is one of those women who lines up at the start of a club organised half marathon to scare the pants off the other competitors. Slim, fit, doesn't hyperventilate up the hills and looks like a total pro in her running gear. While yours truly tries not to die, looking a bit skanky in an old 'Marlow Half Marathon t-shirt' which as regular bed time wear probably shouldn't be seen by my new colleagues.

Anyway shout out to her - she's FAB and is helping me during those first few marathon training runs where 6 miles is tiring, let alone 26 miles.

Ok that's it. And I promise not to bang on about marathon training, I know you've heard it all before.

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