Sunday 30 November 2008

Church and possibly too much information

I love going to church in Cornwall. There is something quite simple (not in a 'special' way!) and honest and well, sometimes slightly chaotic about it.

Two classic moments this morning. First had to be quote of the day from James, one of the new curates who after the sermon said:

"Thank you Dick for your words, and also for the dead bum".

Dick is the other curate in case you were wondering, and maybe his sermon was slightly longer than average. I don't personally remember having a dead bum. I did however lose the use of my toes as there was no apparent heating in the building and it was bloody cold.

The other observation I made was that I think for the first time in my life, I witnessed the first candle on the Advent wreath being lit with a fag lighter. More disturbing I think was the fact that the 9 year old girl doing the lighting knew how to use a fag lighter.

Classic. How will I ever get bored here?

By the way, apologies for not posting any pictures yet. I will try and do some this week. I've had a bit of a spot problem (in that I look a bit like I've got herpes) - the stress of moving combined with chronic PMS meant that I have been shying away from the camera for the past week or so. And I panicked and spent £52 on Dermalogica products. Not that you actually want to see any pics of me anyway...

Just to confirm, I HAVEN'T got herpes.


Unknown said...

Loving the blog Caroline! Sounds like you're having a wonderful time, I'm really pleased for you. I am also equally pleased that you haven't lost your deft talent for the written word old friend. Looking forward to the wedding. x x x

Unknown said...

that's comment is from Leah by the way, I'm on Sam's computer! x x

Britney goes west said...

I thought it was you. Such an eloquently constructed sentence would be very unlike the only other person I know called Sam. Doh.